EN2015 -HOME- Devo1

“We’re outsiders, you and I… on the periphery. Watching everybody else, pretending we’re just like them, but knowing we’re not. The best we can hope for is to find a place where we don’t have to pretend.” -Unknown

I don’t know about you, but I am most comfortable when I’m home. As far as I understand home, it is much more of a concept rather than a location. I often ask others, “What elements are essential for you to feel that you are at home?” Looking at the elements of Home instead of associating a location with home can help you be Home wherever you are!

For me, Home is where:
I am loved
I am cared for
I am not judged
I can be exactly who I am
I fit in
I am accepted
I am welcomed
I flourish
I grow
I do for others what I would want done unto me
I am challenged to reach my potential
-There is a place for me!

It is so important for me to live within Home. Many times, more than not, I have felt like an outsider. I have struggled to fit in. I feel so lost and confused, struggling to find acceptance. It is almost as if this was meant to be. I was meant to feel like an outcast and unaccepted until I somehow happened upon what is now my Home.

My Home is within the body of Jesus Christ – The Church. I am home; there is a seat for me. The mediation which takes place inside this body is all consuming. I say, “I’m here and it’s beautiful.” I love my home and my people. We are one, having all things in common, we share burdens and do not judge one another. It is so refreshing. Many times in my home, the Holy Spirit ministers to us all… He encourages us, speaks to us, leads us. It’s like He is hugging us and encouraging us to be who he created us to be. He often times tells us to just Be and to stop Doing. We come to Him as humble servants and take refuge under His wings. I feel so refreshed at Home.

In Home my soul is quiet:

My heart is not proud, O Lord,
my eyes are not haughty;
I do not concern myself with great matters
or things too wonderful for me.

But I have stilled and quieted my soul;
like a weaned child with its mother,
like a weaned child is my soul within me.

O Israel, put your hope in the Lord
both now and forever
-Psalms 131

You- who are you? where is home?

The Home that I have found invites you. There is a seat for you and we are waiting. No rush, but please come home because you complete us. Our Joy depends on you!

@Freerunners 2015 – We invite you to come home, join the community, it gives LIFE – There is a place for you and it is beautiful!

Journey on,


Posted in Encounter 2015.